Green Actions
Our mission is to help every home in Beverly convert to the most efficient and sustainable form of heating.
The most sustainable option is a ground- or air-source heat pump system. However, these may not be feasible in your home (at this time) for various reasons. It’s complicated. We have information and coaches to help review the options, obstacles, and recommend solutions.
We recommend that you do the “Free & Low Cost” and “Reduce Your Use” actions before converting your heating system.
assess the age and efficiency of your current furnace or boiler
compare more sustainable alternatives (see chart below)
convert to the most efficient system you can (preferably whole house ground or air-source heat pump system)
install a zoned programmable system of heat ducts/pipes from furnace/boiler or add supplemental heating to targeted rooms
MassCEC webinar 4.2.20
Mass Save offers rebates for many heating system components and upgrades.
Zone Your Home
Once you have the most energy efficient heating system, strategically heating parts of your home is the next step. Determining which rooms or floors are used the most (and when) will help zone-supplement heat where you want it most. You can be comfortable while not wasting energy heating unused rooms.
assess where you spend most of your time
consider where and how best to supplement rooms
electric space heaters
wood burning stoves
pellet stoves
electric fireplace inserts
radiant floors
built-in, room air-source heat pumps (AKA, heat exchanger or mini split)
Have a question about heating your home more sustainably?
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Converting from an oil boiler to an Air Source Heat Pump can reduce your emissions by 60% (Source: MassCEC)